How to choose niche for blogging | Best niche for blogging

How to choose the best niche for blogging

When someone wants to start blogging the first question that comes in mind is: what is the best niche for blogging? and how to choose the best niche for blogging? Here we are going to tell you my won view on how to choose the best niche for blogging. Before we decide to choose the best niche for blogging we should know what is ‘niche’ and how important is to select the best niche for blogging.

What is a niche in bogging

Basically, a niche is the subject of your blog. What the type of content or what is the subject matter of your blog represents, is called niche. For example: If your blog is for students and provides study materials then the niche for your blog is education.

In the above example; education is a very vast subject. Thus this niche can be divided into other parts like subject-wise study material; for example; a website that provides study material for mathematics, websites that provide study material for Physics, etc. These types of websites are called micro niche websites.

How to choose the best niche for your blog

Choosing the best niche for one’s blog is very important. While choosing a niche for your blog it is very important to know that Why you want to write a blog? Are you writing this blog for business purposes or you are writing to publish your passion?

If you are writing a blog to publish your passion then it is very easy to decide the niche for your blog. Choose your passion as the niche of your blog and start writing articles on it and share your thought and views with the people living around the world. In some days people will start following you if they like your article and you become popular.

But if you are starting a blog for a business purpose then it is very important to do some research for the selection of a niche for your blog. If you have decided on your business category then choose your business subject as your blog/website niche. For the business purpose you should also consider the following points about your niche:

  • Search volume
  • CPC (Cost per Click)
  • Competition Level
  • Target Country and Language

Yes, it is very important to research the above point before choosing a niche for your business blog. A short overview of the above points are given below:

Search Volume: Search Volume tells you how many people are searching for the topic in that area/country. It is a very important point to understand before you start a business blog. For example, if you choose a niche that has a very low search volume or only a few people are interested in that topic then visitors on your blog will be very few. But if you choose a niche for which search volume is very high then it is a chance that your blog will be visited by many people.

Cost per Click (CPC): CPC stands for Cost per Click. Consider this points also while selecting niche for your business blog. 

Competition Level: There is some niche for which search volume and CPC both are very high. At the same time, many publishers are also working on the same niche. Therefore it is very important to choose a niche for your business blog which have low or medium competition level. However, you can choose a high competition level niche also but you have to work very hard to come to the top page in the google search.

Target Country and Language is also very important for your business blog. Choose the niche of your business blog according to your target country and language. For example, if you start a blog in Hindi then it will be more popular in North India in comparison to South India or the rest of the world. But if you choose English as your blog language then it would be read worldwide because English is spoken worldwide.

How to choose niche for blogging | Best niche for blogging

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