How to Increase Page Views with Auto Refreshers in Blogger | Auto Page Refresh in Blogger

Increase Page Views with Auto Refreshers in Blogger: If you are a blog writer and want to increase your website page views then you are at right place. Yes, here in this article I going to discuss about how to increase page views with auto page refresher. Auto page refresher not only increase your website/ blog page views but it also help you in increasing adsense earnings. But before knowing how it will increase your earning, first learn how to increase page views with auto page refresher.

What is Auto Page Refresh

Auto Page Refresh means when a visitor visit your website or blog, then the page where he is presently visiting, refreshed automatically after few seconds. If he is on home page of your blog, the home page automatically will be refreshed after the time what he has already set. Like if you set that page refresh automatically after 20 seconds, opened page automatically refreshed after 20 second and this will count a new page view.

How to enable auto page refresher in blogger?

If your website or blog is on blogger site, then below is some html code which you paste in your theme below the head tag.

Code for Auto Page Refresh in Blogger

<meta content=’180′ http-equiv=’refresh’/>

Just copy and paste the above code in your blogger theme below the head tag. Here the time of Auto Refresh is given 180 seconds <meta content=180′ http-equiv=’refresh’/> , If you want to change it as 20 seconds, do it as <meta content=’20’ http-equiv=’refresh’/> , You can change it as per your convenience. You can see image how to paste above code below the head tag as shown below.

How to Increase Page Views with Auto Refreshers in Blogger | Auto Page Refresh in Blogger


After pasting the code below the head tag, save the theme. The auto-page refresher will start working immediately.

Now lets see what are some benefits of auto page refresher.

Also Read: How to get Google Adsense Approval Easily

Benefits of Auto Page Refreshers

There are some benefits of auto page refresh in blogger. Along with increasing page views of the website, it also increase revenue. When a page is refreshed google adsense serves new ads then after every page refresh new ads will show which will increase ads impression and clicks also. Which will result in increasing adsense revenue.

In addition to this, if page views is increased, your ranking on google and other search engines will also improve. This will also provide you good chances of getting plenty of link insertion and guest post etc. jobs.

Hope you liked this article on how to increase page views with auto page refresher and it is working good for you and you are getting benefit from it.

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How to increase with page views with auto page refresher, auto page refresh, auto page refresher, auto page refresher blogger.

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