How to make money from blogging for beginners | Ways to make money from blogging

If you are curious to know how to make money from blogging, What are the various ways to make money from blogging? How much can I earn from blogging in 2022? then you are at right place. Here we will discuss about scope of earning money from blogging, different ways to make money from blogging.

How to make money blogging for beginners | Ways to make money from blogging

The methods that we are going to discuss here are based on my own blogging experience. In this age of technology when entire world are working online, blogging has become one of the most profitable profession. People across the world including me earn a lot from blogging.

Before we learn the various ways to make money from blogging it is important to know the potential of making money from blogging.

How much money can we make from blogging?

Different professionals like Doctor, Lawyer, CA, CS earn money in different range. The earnings differs from one to other due to different reason like working hours, experience, knowledge, company profile etc. Like these, there are different levels of blogging and earnings of the different blog writers differs.  How much money you can make from blogging depends solely on the factors such as:

  • What is the niche of your blog?
  • How much you are dedicated to learn and implement on your blog
  • How much traffic you drive on your blog regularly
  • What digital marketing methods you implement?

In addition to this there are other various factors like consistency, social network, personal motivation and goals affects the how much money you can make from blogging. All these also helps a lot to improve your blog and make money from blogging.

Niche of your blog and digital marketing skills alone can help you move really fast in this field. You can browse articles on how to choose best niche for your blog from here.

How to make money from blogging

There are various methods that you can apply to monetize your blog. You can choose the best method to monetize your blog depending upon your level of blogging and the kind of your blog.

You can use one or more of the following method to monetize your blog;

  • Ad networks like Google AdSense,
  • Direct Advertisements
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Native Advertising
  • Paid reviews/Sponsored posts
  • Selling Digital products like eBooks, Blueprints
  • Launch an Online Course

 Let’s see in details about above method to monetize your blog and make money from blogging.

1. Ad networks

Ad networks are the simplest and widely used method that are used for monetizing a blog. If you are using ad network to monetize your blog then you must know that it is better to use 1 high paying ad network than 10 low paying ad networks.

Below are two Ad networks which are most popular and widely used to monetize blog and make money from blogging. These are:

  • Google AdSense (Offered by Google)

If you want to make money from blogging using ad network then you have to get approval on these ad networks. These ad networks show ads automatically based on the context of your article and interest of the user. Most of the new blog writers use these methods to monetize their blog and make money from blogging.

If you are using contextual advertisements and are not making enough money from this then you should try for direct advertisements or affiliate marketing to make money from blogging.

2. Direct Advertisements

Advertisements from ad networks are the best advertisement program for bloggers to earn money from blogging but all these have some limitations. One of the biggest limitations is the amount you get paid per click from the ads of ad network. If you grab these advertisements directly then replace these Ad units with direct ads. In such way you can make more money in comparison to earnings from ad networks.

The best way to get started to receive direct advertisement is to try different networks. You can add a page on your blog called “Media-kit or Advertise with us” to get new deals. Plugin like WP Advanced Ads can also be used to manage the ads.

How to make money from blogging for beginners | Ways to make money from blogging in 2021


3. Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate Marketing is most profitable method to monetize your blog. Affiliate advertisements are one of the best ways to make money from blogging. By a single sale you can make a lot more money than many click on a contextual ad.

Most of the bloggers are using affiliate marketing these days and earning a lot from their blog and making affiliate marketing one of the most profitable avenues to make money from a blog.

Below are some of the popular Affiliate marketing marketplace that you could join and make money from it:

  • Amazon Affiliate program
  • ShareASale
  • PartnerStack
  • ImpactRadius
  • Awin
  • Commission Junction

Another great thing about Affiliate marketing is that you can use this technique on any blogging platform such as Wix, Squarespace, Medium, or even LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Only one thing you have to do is sharing your unique affiliate link of the product you are recommending on these platforms. When someone makes a purchase using your link then you will earn a huge commission of the sale amount.

To learn more about affiliate marketing, you can check out our article ‘How to make money from affiliate marketing

4. Native Advertising

Native advertising has been one of the forefronts of making money from blogging for beginners. Native Advertising is especially more profitable for news and jobs kind of blogs. There are a few native advertising solutions that are worth your time and effort of implementation and making money from blogging.

  • Taboola
  • Outbrain
  • Mgid
  • AdSense (AdSense also offers native advertisements)

5. Paid Reviews/ Sponsored Reviews

Sponsored Reviews also called Paid reviews. This is a great way to boost your online income and make money from blogging. You can minimum charge $10 for small review post. It can be more and more according to popularity of your blog.

Here is a list of few websites where you can find paid reviews/sponsored content opportunities:

  • Famebit (For YouTube channels)
  • Izea Pay per post
  • Tomoson
  • Revcontent

5. Selling your own eBooks

If you notice, the business model of top bloggers is to sell their own products online such as eBooks. All you need to do is compile an eBook on specific topic and put it on sale on your blog. Once you have done this you can earn a decent amount of money by selling eBooks online through your blog. You can sell these eBook on Amazon also from where you can earn handsome money.

6. Launch online course

You can launch your online courses like video courses on specialized topic, downloadable templates etc. You can sell these online courses on various platform like;

  • LearnDash (WordPress)
  • New Kajabi
  • Teachable

By selling online courses on these platform you can earn a lot of money.

Earlier blog writers were only dependent on AdSense to monetize their blog and make money from blogging. Now they have many more ad networks and monetization methods. We should use good combination of these to boost our income from blogging.

Hope you liked this article on how to make money from blogging and it helped you in making money from blogging.

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